minimalist ladies bracelets & bangles-Hope & Glory Bracelet

Size Cross/10mm Mary/ 10mm
This 8mm white turquoise-bead bracelet brings the feeling of  hope and glory with the 4 square champagne crystals and the gold cross closure bead to remind us to have hope.  You have a choose from two designs, one with the cross or with the large slide bead of the Virgin Mary.  The bracelet is sized to fit 6.5 to 7 inch wrist.  Buy three two without the Mary and one with and stack them for an elegant look.   

The Lord gives us the gift of eternity and He reminds us to have hope even in our most difficult times.   God wants you to live in holy moments calling on the Holy Spirit,  learning and understanding His word, sharing your faith to one another, and spreading His hope by glorifying Him in all circumstances.  For the reward is eternal life with our Lord and our loved ones that have left us. 

"I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called--his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance." Ephesians 1:18